Haiflu: More to life than COVID

Haiku transcriptions

Remember last March?
We thought it would be six weeks.
It’s been a whole year.
– Lizzie Lidster

My sense of time, flown.
Just last week seems long ago,
that other man, gone.
– Barry Patterson

A small part of me
will miss the quiet gifted
by COVID 19.
– Gerald Kells

Home School’s out for spring!
Alice Cooper croon it loud.
First liberation.
– Kay Bee

Two hundred thousand
of our arms were jabbed today.
Mine was one of them.
– Arian Jan Power

White blackthorn blossom
fills the hedgerows with new hope
Dolly sings ‘Vaccine’.
– Rachel Clyne

I felt my baby
move for the first time today.
Life is still magic.
– Buff N Ilsø

It’s almost as though
the universe is starting
to wake up again.
– Lizzie Lidster

Hairdressers will need
to order large sacks ready
for April shearing.
– Janet Jenkins

Even though I know
things will get better in time
today I feel sad.
– Sue Dakin

I am off to the
irony shop to spend some
claps. 1% off.
– Amanda Foale-Hart

A year unemployed,
no longer defined by job.
Priorities shift.
– Vanessa O’Reilly

Life has changed for good
Home working, meetings on Zoom
have become routine.
– Anne Patterson

We drop treat bags to
Dad’s care home. Daily rations
in lieu of our hugs.
– Vanessa Anderson

Butter spread too cold.
Tearing toast never made me
cry before COVID.
– George Edward Chopping

Longing to see you,
to wrap my arms around you
and never let go.
– Rebecca Carolyn Page

The school gates open.
Smiling, I nudge him forward.
Cry all the way home.
– Liv Torc

Sneezed her headphones off.
We laughed and I thought how we
might miss home school. Not!
– Kay Walton

Kids, like boomerangs
gently tossed – always return
with tales of the wind.
– Alfie Crow

In time, memory
will dilute stories. How we
fought for what seemed lost.
– Susan Wood

Grief and denial
pause, blinking in the sunlight.
Stupid for beauty.
– Tim King

I’ve learned many things,
how I love doors and windows,
how I love people.
– Rosie Jackson

Spring lambs are land clouds
blown by skittering winds. Life’s
much more than COVID.
– Brenda Read-Brown

Letter to Lockdown:
Sorry this isn’t working.
I’m leaving. You first…
– Lydia Towsey

With kind permission of poet, Liv Torc, creator of Project Haiflu