Paper News

I am panic
I am the tearing
I am nightmarish scenes greeting police
I am sickened
I am reviled
I am dismay

I am flood warning
I am winter warning
I am stay indoors warning
I am severe weather warning
I am hurricane force winds warning
I am droughts to hit the south of England warning
I am hosepipe bans
I am swimming bans
I am hotter than anticipated
I am deserts forming
I am 50 degrees c in the Middle East
___and they’re all going to have to move
somewhere – warning

I am paper
I am the test paper
I am litmus paper

Light the paper
Spark the fuse

I am justifications for war in Iraq
I am drones dropping bombs on schools in Syria
I am the only hospital for 50 miles decimated
I am collateral damage
I am screaming for my sister
I am screaming for my brother
I am burying my family
I ululate for my family
I am the freedom fighter
I am the terrorist
I am Muslim
I am Islam
I am fear
I am your eyes
I am your ears
I am the hot salt of blood and ash
I am coming for you
I am coming for you
I am coming for you

I am armies of migrant families invading your communities
I am the so bodies of refugee children washed on to your shores
I am critical scenes at Dover and Calais
I am young migrant men hijacking lorries
I am children trafficked
I am mothers raped
I am not sorry (it is not our fault)
I am telling you to send them back
I am go home or face prosecution
I am impartial
I am impervious
I am swarms
I am cockroaches
I build barricades
I burn camps
I tear down shelter

I am paper
I am the test paper
I am litmus paper

Light the paper
Spark the fuse

I am young black man arrested
I am more young black men shot by police
I am Black Lives Matter
I matter
I am All Lives Matter
I matter

I am unbiased
I am white
I am privileged
I am male
I am single-white-female

I am papier-mâché
___Stripped and moulded into

I am gunshots ringing across the playground
I am gunshots fired at police
I am gunshots in the busy shopping mall
I am lone wolf male
I am disturbed white male
I act alone
I speak for no one

I am paper
I am the test paper
I am litmus paper

Light the paper
Spark the fuse

I speak for you
I speak for your fears
I speak so you don’t have to
I tell it like it is
I tell your fortune
I am your problems solved
I am the voice of your wife
I justify your fantasy
I am lap dancers earning ten grand a month
I am sex workers who. love. it.
I am prostitution
I am money
I am the money you want to spend
I am the hours you need to work to matter
I am the crippled NHS and we all know whose fault that is

I am sick people fiddling benefits
I am the poor who could get a job if they bothered
I am single mothers shelling out babies for your taxes
I am warden
I am judge
I am critic

I am tissue paper for your tears
I am tissue paper for your fantasies

I speak for you
I speak your mind
I am your friend
I am transparent
I am impartial
I am information
I am sensational headlines
I am no editorial bias
I am right-wing-think-tank-expert-opinion
I am the future
I am your present
I write your past
I am right (there is no left)

I am paper trails
I am words
I am the universe in pages
I am your world
I am your friend
I am paper thin
I am paper news
I am news paper

Light the paper
Spark the fuse.